Saturday, April 26, 2008

Ayurvedic Beauty Care

Ayurvedic beauty care mostly is Ayurvedic lifestyle
itself. However there are some additional usages of ointments and
including healthy food items in your diet.

Ayurvedic beauty care
includes employing techniques for skin care, hair care, eye care, foot
care and to keep optimum body mass. There is no place for ama (bodily
toxic wastes) in the body. Complete nutrition to body is necessary for
good beauty care.

Healthy Ayurvedic lifestyle is natural beauty
care. Balance lifestyle in such a manner that there is little scope for
stress or accumulation or bodily or mental toxins. Ayurveda beauty care
deals not only with external beauty. It also deals with inner feelings
like happiness, calmness and mental stability. No one can hide sadness
with makeup.

Daily exercise, especially yoga is an important
aspect of Ayurvedic concepts of beauty care. Women who want to keep
their youthful beauty needs to practice yoga on a daily basis.
Practicing yoga can also relieve women off menstrual problems and can
help them with easy delivery at the end of their pregnancy.

Care in Ayurveda does include the use of natural cosmetics derived from
such plants like sandalwood, turmeric, henna (mehndi), aloe vera and
many naturally available beauty care products. The application of which
is determined by the body and skin type of the person. A knowledgeable
Ayurvedic beauty care expert can tell the exact body and skin nature of
a person and give advice on exact type of cosmetics to use.

Once started, Ayurveda continues to give a glowing face and confident look wherever you go.

Dev Sri provides insider information about Ayurvedic herbal medicine practices and Ayurveda in Kerala. Find more about Ayurvedic medicines at

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